I'm trying to export a PNG of the OS 250k raster with OS Open Rivers over the top. Trying to export the entirety of the national grid caused it to crash, so I tried again with the bottom half of Great Britain and it's still crashing.
Here's the crash report:
Crash ID: 1d5ed672dc1b64fc24118b59e560969ad8cbd8bb
Stack Trace
QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath : QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath : QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath : QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath : QRasterPaintEngine::fillRect : QRasterPaintEngine::drawImage : QgsRasterDrawer::drawImage qgsrasterdrawer.cpp:174 QgsRasterDrawer::draw qgsrasterdrawer.cpp:105 QgsRasterLayerRenderer::render qgsrasterlayerrenderer.cpp:274 QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob::doRender qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp:312 QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob::renderPrepared qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp:233 QgsMapRendererTask::run qgsmaprenderertask.cpp:240 QgsTask::start qgstaskmanager.cpp:78 QThreadPoolPrivate::reset : QThread::start : BaseThreadInitThunk : RtlUserThreadStart :
QGIS Info QGIS Version: 3.10.14-A Coru�a QGIS code revision: 8374282d2a Compiled against Qt: 5.11.2 Running against Qt: 5.11.2 Compiled against GDAL: 3.1.4 Running against GDAL: 3.1.4
System Info CPU Type: x86_64 Kernel Type: winnt Kernel Version: 10.0.19042
The size of the image is 24000 * 20000 pixels at 1:250k resolution and 254 dpi (I found that 254 worked for a 16000 * 12000 file in terms of getting it to fit the canvas properly, but I don't know if it works for this size).
I have 32 GB of RAM, so should this work?