In the QGIS there is a set of some "special" words that one can type in the 'Coordinate' box to supply additional layers into the Layers Panel or provoke extra activities. There was also a tweet posted several years ago, however, it does not include all of the possible tricks.

This is the "magic" 'Coordinate' field: input where I can type some words, e.g. world input_world

For instance, when I type world I am going to get this layer world

When I type contributors I am receiving another layer contributors

When I use hackfests it leads to this layer hackfests

There are also tricks with dizzy and bored when typing in the 'Coordinate' field.

The content of some layers I can find under the C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/resources/data.

However, I was wondering how to get all available hidden features/actions within the 'Coordinate' field?

  • 3
    Like you, I was not aware of the Easter eggs term in computer software. It seems when I posted my answer, some users did not like it because they want to keep these words secret. However, since you have a high reputation - (> 10,000) - you can see a list of all the possible words in my deleted answer. Actually, I deleted the answer to keep these words secret as intended to be, but visible to users with high reputations.
    – ahmadhanb
    Commented Aug 3, 2021 at 2:26

1 Answer 1


They're "Easter eggs" and they're there mainly for fun, although some of them actually provide users with useful stuff/info.

The best documentation you can find out there of those Easter eggs is the source code itself, since it'll be always up-to-date. After all, according to their definition, Easter eggs are not supposed to be documented :)

In computer software, Easter eggs are secret responses that occur as a result of an undocumented set of commands.

Note: I prefer not to list the Easter eggs here, since they have to be reserved for very curious people :P.


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