I'm developing an iOS application that will use offline maps. These maps are on GeoTiff format but I don't know how to do it.

I've found this question: How to display a GeoTIFF on mapView but it uses ARCGis and I don't have a license to use it.

Is there any other way to show a GeoTiff? And, of course, use GPS to show where user is.

1 Answer 1


It would be much easier if you can convert geotiff to tiles using GDAL (gdal2tiles utility), then to a mbtiles package, and then use offline tile viewer tool like Mapbox iOS SDK:

gdal2tiles.py -r cubic --s_srs EPSG:900913 mygeotiff.tif mytiles
mb-util --scheme=osm mytiles/ mytileset.mbtiles

If you really need to read geotiff directly, then I would use same GDAL library (libgdal) which is crossplatform and can be compiled to iOs. See stackoverflow article about it.


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