I have some problem with my script, I'm trying to calculate MNDISI, and I've got some issues with errors:
Number (Error) Image.subtract, argument 'image1': Invalid type. Expected type: Image. Actual type: ImageCollection.
var Jawa = ee.FeatureCollection("users/mohfaisal181099/KP/shp_jawa");
//Define Research Time
var start = ee.Date('2020-01-01');
var end = ee.Date('2020-12-31');
//Time Variable
var ndays = ee.Number(end.difference(start,'day')).round();
var nmonths = ee.Number(end.difference(start,'month')).round();
var nyears = ee.Number(end.difference(start,'year')).round();
print(ndays, 'ndays');
print(nmonths, 'nmonths');
print(nyears, 'nyears');
//Convert Kelvin to Celcius
function celcius(img){
return img.multiply(0.02).subtract(273.15)
var terra_kelvin = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1')
var terra_LST = terra_kelvin.map(celcius);
var modisProjection = terra_LST.first().projection();
print('MODIS Projection:', modisProjection.nominalScale());
//Downsetting Function
function reduceres(image){
return image.reduceResolution({
reducer : ee.Reducer.mean(),
maxPixels : 1024
crs : modisProjection
//Define Dataset
//Terra MODIS Surface Reflectance
var terra_SR = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD09GA')
//Function Indices Terra MODIS
var indices_terra_1 = function(a){
var mndwi = a.expression(
'(Green - SWIR)/(Green + SWIR)',
{'Green': a.select('sur_refl_b04'),
'SWIR': a.select('sur_refl_b02')
return a.addBands(mndwi)
var terra_mndwi = terra_SR.map(indices_terra_1);
var tst = terra_mndwi.first().projection();
print('MNDWI Projection:', tst.nominalScale());
var indices_terra_2 = function(aa){
var mndisi = aa.expression(
'(LST - ((MNDWI + NIR + SWIR)/3))/(LST + ((MNDWI + NIR + SWIR)/3))',
{'LST': terra_LST.select('LST_Day_1km'),
'MNDWI': terra_mndwi,
'NIR' : aa.select('sur_refl_b02'),
'SWIR': aa.select('sur_refl_b06')
return aa.addBands(mndisi)
var terra_mndisi = terra_SR.map(indices_terra_2);
var tst2 = terra_mndisi.first().projection();
print('MNDISI Projection:', tst2.nominalScale());
I have checked my script in detail and found that I made a mistake in the MNDISI calculation part, but I haven't found any related reference to help solve my problem.