I'm trying to export an image for some SST temperatures for a given region ( and imported table EEZ) but I'm getting the error;
Error: Invalid argument: 'image' must be of type Image
Map.addLayer(EEZ, {}, 'EEZ')
Map.addLayer(Chagos, {}, 'Chagos')
//load an image
var sst = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/OCEANDATA/MODIS-Aqua/L3SMI')
.filterDate('2017-04-01', '2017-04-30')
.map(function(image){return image.clip(EEZ)}) ;
print('sst', sst)
Map.setCenter(72.25, -6.8, 6); //lat, long, zoom
Map.addLayer (sst, {'min': 23, 'max': 34, 'palette':"0000ff,32cd32,ffff00,ff8c00,ff0000"});
image: sst,
description: 'sst Apr 2017',
scale: 500,
region: EEZ
After a search I found this post, and changed the export image code to just select the bands I want, as suggested, using the code below. However I still get the same error.
image: sst.select('sst'),
description: 'sst Apr 2017',
scale: 500,
region: EEZ