I was working with the Google satellite basemap from QuickMapServices using the projected coordinate system NAD83(2011)/UTM zone 15N, and everything was working fine, but today after the upgrade of QGIS the basemap is not displaying as it was before.
I understand that the original CRS of this basemap is WGS84, but why was it working before and not now? Is there any solution besides reprojecting my data to WGS84 (I need a CRS working on meters, and I have more than 1000 files in .las format that I don't want to reproject)?
EDIT: When I say it is not displaying as before, I meant that it appears in the wrong place, like if the data and the basemap were on different planets. Or just doesn't appear anywhere.
EDIT 2: I am adding a screenshot that may be useful, it shows the project properties. First, when I try to select the CRS that I want for my project (EPSG:6344 - NAD83(2011)/UTM zone 15N) is like QGIS doesn't know where the projection should be used. Here is the description of this CRS, and before the upgrade, this was shown in the image below https://epsg.io/6344.