I want to make a 20 mile by 20 mile fishnet grid over the state of Nebraska, with the origin at either the far southwest corner (approx 11,583,008.75W 5,011,971.55N m) or the far NW corner (approx 11,583,491.14W 5,312,014.51N m). I don't think the fishnet tool is working properly the way I am using it, as the gridcells are too small (they are not actually 20 miles square).
I am starting with the Nebraska shapefile downloadable here: https://www.nebraskamap.gov/datasets/nebraska::nebraska-state-boundary/explore?location=41.450388%2C-99.634628%2C7.86
I am adding the NE shapefile to the basemap, and then creating the fishnet with a template extent defined by the NE shapefile, and an x and y cell resolution of 32186.88 meters (20 miles).
Nebraska has an area of 77421 square miles, so there should be approximately 77421/400 grid cells = 193 or so. Figure there's going to be 250 or so, since the fishnet creates a square grid, and Nebraska is not square at the corners. When I do this, I am getting 400 cells, which is way too many, and the cells are too small.
How do I fix this?
If you select the template extent of the above shapefile, the only parameters you need to fill out are cell size width and height, both of which are 32186.88 meters. But,here they are.
My parameters are: Output Feature Class: my_grid.shp
Fishnet Origin Coordinate: X = -11583186.7033 Y = 4865930.3002
Template Extent: west: -11583186.7033 south: 4865930.3002 east: -10609647.7366 north: 5312215.9049
Y-Axis Coordinate: X = -11583186.7033; Y = 4865940.3002
Opposite Corner of Extent; X = -10609647.7366: Y = 5312215.9049
Geometry Type: Poylgon