I've downloaded from the official repository the UTM 5x5 km grid of Spain and uploaded it to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (vv. 14 & 3.1.4).

I need to obtain the coordinates of every cell vertices, but my attempts using st_dumppoints() return more than 4 points for each one:

select path, ST_AsText(geom) from (
select (st_dumppoints(geom)).* from referencia.malla_5x5_p) a

{1,1}   "POINT(158179.43709999975 4135320.7804000005)"
{1,2}   "POINT(158147.76989999972 4134822.7887999993)"
{1,3}   "POINT(158144.77589999977 4134822.9791)"
{1,4}   "POINT(158125.79449999984 4134824.1861000005)"
{1,5}   "POINT(157646.78249999974 4134854.6448999997)"
{1,6}   "POINT(157627.35280000046 4134855.8804)"

From the excellent contribution of @geozelot, I now know that I can't get the "four" vertices of each polygon but how could I get the intersection points of the UTM grid?

  • 4
    UTM cells follow the curvature of the given ellipsoid, which is expressed in the data as a varying density of vertices per cell. I.e. these cells are no rectangles, and thus cannot simply be constructed with 4 corners (note that a valid polygon has n + 1 vertices to close the boundary on itself).
    – geozelot
    Commented Apr 28, 2023 at 11:41

1 Answer 1


To extract the contextual corner points of each cell, find those vertices that have an angle greater than roughly 90° with respect to the preceding and following vertex:

  utm_c.[*],  -- list needed columns explicitly and exclude the geom column
  <utm_cells> AS utm_c
        LAG(dmp.geom) OVER w,
        COALESCE(LEAD(dmp.geom) OVER w, NTH_VALUE(dmp.geom, 2) OVER w)
      )::INT AS _a
      ST_DumpPoints(utm_c.geom) AS dmp
    WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY id, dmp.path[1:2] ORDER BY dmp.path[3])
  ) AS pts
  _a > 3

Note that this assumes the cell geometries to be MULTIPOLYGONS; if this is not the case, use:

WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY id, dmp.path[1] ORDER BY dmp.path[2])


Here, _a is the angle in radians - rounded down to the nearest integer - between each triplet of vertices, with 3 corresponding to angles greater than ~229.18°.

The result set contains respective corners for every cell, not singular intersection points - you can filter the set with GROUP BY geom, but you loose individual cell information.

  • 2
    That's a pretty neat query! One thing, though: the data in question seems to be vectorized pixels, having tiny 'steps' on non-aligned cell borders. Wouldn't this approach fail to exclude them if the 'steps' are at right angles, too?
    – t.ry
    Commented May 10, 2023 at 11:40
  • @t.ry indeed. This would require to apply the same logic iteratively until vertex count is constant...
    – geozelot
    Commented May 10, 2023 at 11:46

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