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Questions tagged [point-creation]

Process of creating geometric point features

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Struggling to map CSV files in QGIS

I am trying to map a CSV file of eastings and northings onto QGIS but am having issues. I have ensured all the correct options are clicked when adding a delimited text layer, including ensuring the ...
Jess Nicholson's user avatar
2 votes
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Converting vertices of lines features to points with elevation and steepness with QGIS Virtual Layer

I am looking for a very similar solution to the one for polygons but for a simple line layer and with some additional data included on the points: elevation from a DTM (available as a layer in the ...
gotjosh's user avatar
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Create lines in QGIS from a list of coordinates in Excel

I need to create lines in QGIS (currently using 3.40.0. version) from a list of coordinates in an Excel file. The Excel list has the following fields: ID, X_start, Y_start, X_end, Y_end I would like ...
Pescariz's user avatar
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Projecting (distance, azimuth) point in geographic coordinates with PyQGIS [duplicate]

I have a point in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) for which I would like to calculate a projection based on an azimuth and a distance in meters. This is basically what does QgsPoint::project but in Cartesian, so ...
Denis Rouzaud's user avatar
2 votes
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Newly added CSV file is unavailable in QGIS

In QGIS I am trying to add a CSV file to my project that only has a location and coordinates. Whenever I tried to load the file into QGIS the layer was unavailable. How can I fix that? Here is my ...
Amikiri's user avatar
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Importing Lon/Lat points from CSV file into QGIS

I am working on locating sites in Guinea for a National Parks Infrastructure Project. I have a chart with Long/Lat and I thought I might import them by adding a Delimited Text Layer using a CSV file ...
Cresolus Climate Responsive De's user avatar
5 votes
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Making buffer around crossing point on lines intersection in QGIS

I have two line layers A and B. I need to create a point at the intersection of these layers (which is not a science using "Line intersection"). Is there a possibility to draw a new one on ...
sttipa's user avatar
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Creating points from addresses in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a CSV with multiple addresses in the form (city, zipcode, street, number (possibly with address supplement ["A", "F", etc.]. Is there any way to create points on these ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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"QgsProcessingException: Unable to execute algorithm Could not load source layer for INPUT:" error when applying QGIS processing [closed]

Sorry, I'm not 100% sure of what is the cause here, it seems like maybe the path to the file but that appears to be correct. I have a bunch of data from the USACE's e-hydro website I'm trying to ...
tarnis's user avatar
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Getting shapefile from Google Maps

I have a use case where I want to generate random points within a geometry. For my use cause, the geometry is a district with my country — for example, West Bay, Grand Cayman. If I search for the ...
user1913559's user avatar
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Creating equidistant points along polyline with multiple objects

I want to create equidistant points along a polyline layer that consists of multiple objects. The problem using the "point along geometry" tool in the QGIS processing toolbox is that every ...
Jakob_DB_EC's user avatar
4 votes
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Plotting transect line with equally spaced points and get the coordinates in QGIS

In QGIS I am trying to plot a transect line. For this I would like to place points every 500m along a line and get the coordinates of each point, but have not managed to achieve this unfortunately. Is ...
onc's user avatar
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3 votes
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Turning table with lat and long columns into point layer in QGIS

I have a table as a layer in QGIS. It includes two columns: "Lat" and "Long". I would like to use these as geometry columns. How would I do this without saving and reloading a ...
Garbage Panda's user avatar
7 votes
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Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS

I have been trying to generate points along a line with a distance of 500m. We can do this in several ways using tools like "Points along Geometry". However, my problem is that I do not know ...
Eladio's user avatar
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Getting vertices of UTM grid in PostGIS

I've downloaded from the official repository the UTM 5x5 km grid of Spain and uploaded it to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (vv. 14 & 3.1.4). I need to obtain the coordinates of every cell vertices,...
jpinilla's user avatar
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Using multiple XY fields for geometry definition in point layer in QGIS

In QGIS 3.26.3 Buenos Ares I have a set of drill hole point data with XY fields for the planned drill hole location and a second set of fields for the surveyed XY location after drilling. I want to ...
MBorgC's user avatar
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2 answers

Generating points along the line at equal intervals excluding vertices in QGIS

I want to generate points along a line at equal intervals but the final point layer should not contain the vertices points. It should only contain points at specified intervals. Tools in QGIS such as &...
gk_mi's user avatar
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3 answers

Adding points beside existing point feature in QGIS

Is there any solution to add every point of a point feature 4 additional points in all geographic directions in a specified distance?
Jens77's user avatar
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Geting midpoint of MultiLine in QGIS

I have a line(multiline) layer in QGIS 3.22. I need to place a point in the middle. I've tried using the algorithms: "interpolate point on line" and "points along geometry", by ...
david's user avatar
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Adding point feature with Geometry by Expression in QGIS

I am trying to use "Geometry by Expression" to add a point feature in a layer but I am getting unexpected results. I added the expression make_point(0,0) but it just takes all the existing ...
David's user avatar
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Making middle point going on curve lines in QGIS

I've these lines so when i want to point the middle by going to Vector > Geometry Tools > Centroid the point goes on the Straight line only, but when i have lines with curves the point doesn't ...
Abdullah Muthanna's user avatar
4 votes
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Interpolating series of points between two locations using Python [closed]

Let's say we have two addresses that are provided. I grabbed two random ones from the web below: # Google headquarters: google_lat = 37.422131 google_lon = -122.084801 # Apple headquarters apple_lat =...
Coldchain9's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting coordinates from random points in polygon and sync it with shapefile in QGIS

In QGIS I have a shapefile that contains a polygon of administrative boundaries in a country. I need to add six random points inside the polygon. Can i get the coordinates from random points feature ...
Ryukazu Saviestyan's user avatar
6 votes
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Generating x, y, coordinates within polygon/polyline with certain interval in QGIS

I need all the x- and y-coordinates with a interval of 500 meters that fit inside a polygon/polyline. For example I want to generate a CSV file that looks like this: x, y, 10000, 30000 10500, 30000 ...
SimonDL's user avatar
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Adding points with coordinates delimited by commas from CSV file in QGIS Python Console

I can't figure out how to add point from a CSV file with the Python Console. This is my CSV file: UTM32_E;UTM32_N 562834,932;8762874,054 560758,523;8762624,904 562483,074;8762760,832 562131,643;...
Meije3984's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Generating dangle point for polyline in QGIS

How do I generate the dangle points (into shapefile or something) (blue dots in picture below) of any polyline in QGIS? These are not start/end vertices.
sutan's user avatar
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OSM and imported points do not match in QGIS

I am trying to insert new coordinate system to the QGIS ( ferom excel comma delimited file), but unfortunately the coordinates do not overlap the correct point in OSM inside. Below there are ...
MS Pathak's user avatar
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Calculating mean distribution of point locations using field values in QGIS

I have a layer of point locations distributed country-wide. I would like to create a new point layer that shows the mean or center of mass of the points, but grouped based on the value of a field, ...
andresi's user avatar
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Creating set number of regularly spaced points inside of polygon in QGIS

My application for this would be for making maps with pre-established plot points for cruising a stand of timber, but I could see this being used for other applications. I am a little surprised that ...
Darrek's user avatar
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Randomly generating points using weights from raster in QGIS

I need to randomly generate 10K points throughout my region of interest, but I need to weight the point selection by a set of probability weights, stored as a raster - such that higher probability ...
FreddySorbe's user avatar
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Creating centroid on curved surface in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.16.13 to build a map in which I have 98 adjacent polygons that represent areas of ocean around the coastline of an island. I want to have a centroid inside of each polygon, even ...
Hafro530's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating different numbers of random points inside polygons using PyQGIS

I am developing a plugin using PyQGIS and PyQt5. I am calling qgis:randompointsinsidepolygons, where I am trying to give field input at VALUE parameter. It will take a variable number of points for ...
vigna purohit's user avatar
9 votes
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How does GeoPandas' representative_point() work?

I need to compute points that, unlike centroids, are assured to be within a geometry. GeoPandas offers the method geopandas.GeoDataFrame.representative_point(), but I cannot find how it works. ...
baggiponte's user avatar
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Converting lines to points in Google Earth Engine

I am working to extract surface reflectance from the image collection, and I have only line geometry representing the central line of the river. I would like to convert the line into points and each ...
The Mapper's user avatar
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Generating parallel points along with lines or outline of polygon

In QGIS using the Geometry generator, how can we generate the square points within a polygon (e.g. built-up layer) that parallel with other features (e.g. road layer) like in the map below?
GISarath's user avatar
6 votes
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Creating specific amount of points along line in QGIS

I would like to create a specific amount of points along a line in QGIS. The lines are in different lengths, but I want them with a maximum of 50 points (divide by 50). The tools i've found in QGIS ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Generating points inside MultiPolygons using GeoPandas

I have a shapefile which has MultiPolygon geometries. I want to generate random points inside them using GeoPandas. I tried with the below code but it's not giving GeoDataFrame of points. import numpy ...
hashalluring's user avatar
9 votes
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Creating point on surface in QGIS

As far as I can tell, the option to "Create point on surface for each part" in the QGIS Centroid tool is not returning the correct geometry when activated in QGIS (version 3.8.1-Zanzibar/...
dmci's user avatar
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Extracting points with distance tolerance along line in QGIS

How I can delete points along a line, with a distance tolerance? As you can see in the figure, the points near the line should stay, the points between the lines should be deleted.
Hardau's user avatar
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Creating feature with empty geometry using PyQGIS

I would like to create a model point dataset in QGIS 3.0.3 with Python in the QGIS Python Console to do some testing. Specifically, I want to create a point dataset that has a feature with an empty ...
Philip Whitten's user avatar
7 votes
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Halftone effect: gridded points inside polygon with QGIS Geometry Generator

I am trying to create smooth looking polygons by gridded points in QGIS (2.18.16), with a fading effect towards the boundary of the polygons (halftone effect). By using the 'fillGrid' function from @...
Tjavajive's user avatar
7 votes
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Plotting points along line at specific distance value using PyQGIS

I'm trying to figure out a way to plot points along a polyline at distances that I have in a CSV file (not a point layer with valid lat/long). There seem to be quite a few ways to create points along ...
jamierob's user avatar
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Creating mid point from line layer in QGIS

In QGIS I am trying to create a new point layer based on the mid point of a line layer (and keep all the feature attributes in the table). For example, one line feature becomes one point, located on ...
user107128's user avatar
6 votes
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Getting centroids for multiple lines in QGIS

Is there a possibility to get the centroid of each line? When using Vector > Analysis Tools > Mean Coordinates I always get a centroid of the whole lines. What I need is the centroid of each ...
Ma Fo's user avatar
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Adding CSV layer in PyQGIS

I am trying to load a series of CSV files as vectors in PyQGIS. I run this code to try to get the first one: uri = 'file://D:/Saved Stuff/gulags/1.40.csv?delimiter=;&yField=y&xField=x' layer = ...
sfbernstein's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Retrieving start and end points for each line in line shapefile in ArcGIS Desktop or QGIS [closed]

I have a vector(polyline) shapefile and I need to retrieve each line´s start and end points(nodes) and create a shapefile with these points. Then I need to add to the polyline´s attribute table the ...
user51651's user avatar
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Finding mean coordinates of cluster of points from point layer in QGIS

I have a set of coordinate points. The points are distributed in such a way that some points are clustered around a specific area. There is an option to find out mean coordinates(s) of the whole point ...
Hafiz's user avatar
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26 votes
7 answers

Creating points in specified distance along line using QGIS

I want to use QGIS creating points along the line, but in specified distance. I found two GRASS tools in SEXTANTE Toolbox: v.segment I tried, setting the maximum distance ...
Heinz's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Finding middle point (midpoint) of line in QGIS

How can I locate the coordinates of the middle point (midpoint) of a line feature in QGIS?
Alex Yee's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Creating matrix of points inside polygon using QGIS

How do I create a matrix of points (e.g. 3.5 x 0.5 meters), with a defined orientation, inside a polygon? I have to plan the arrangement of plants in a grove in order to plan an irrigation system.
Antonino's user avatar