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Questions tagged [kernel-density]

A raster-based operation that spreads point values throughout their neighborhoods.

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Creating a building density layer from point data

I am trying to create a building density layer for large regions. For this reason, I cannot do a count per polygon over a grid (estimation was 70 days for the analysis) I have point data for buildings ...
jamiehk's user avatar
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How to get a sf dataframe object from R into ArcGIS Pro with correct CRS

I have a dataset in CRS EPSG:7842. I fit a KDE (from kde()) to the dataset, and now the dataset (kde_all) has two columns: kde_value and geometry. The geometry column now contains polygons (POLYGON) ...
Burton Guster's user avatar
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Understanding the output of Kernel Density Analysis

I want to create activity hotspot maps (heat maps) of bird pairs using the Kernel Density tool in ArcGIS Pro, but can not for the life of me make sense of the output values. I've read all the help ...
Antonia's user avatar
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Calculating kernel density home ranges of animals in QGIS

I am trying to calculate the kernel density home ranges of some animal occurrences in QGIS. I found the following website with a model: How do I import it and run ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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Evaluating impact of density of one point pattern data on column in spatial dataframe

I have a dataset. It has data on two types of electric poles (blue and red). I'm trying to find out if the density and size of blue electric poles have an effect of the size of red electric poles. My ...
Brianomars's user avatar
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Creating select High-Density Polygons from GPS Points in QGIS

I'm diving into a project in QGIS and have a dataset of GPS points uploaded in Guatemala. My goal is to create five 10x10km polygons strategically dropped in areas with the highest pin density. Here's ...
ALO's user avatar
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Kernal analysis R code to get 50 and 95% occupancy

I got a script from Making 95% Volume Contour on ArcMap without Hawth's Tools or GME?. Since I am a novice to R, I tailored the code (below attached pic) and have successfully to some extent put ...
PrabhaV's user avatar
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Converting kernel density or heatmap into probability in ArcGIS

I have a question regarding kernel density estimation in ArcMap, I want to know probability of use for my species in an area. How do I change the final kernel density raster results into 50%, 75% and ...
Zaara Kidwai's user avatar
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extract contours based on percentiles from QGIS heatmap

I have created a heatmap/kernal density estimation in QGIS. I now want to extract contours for the 75th and 90th percentile. How would I go about doing this? I have attached an image of what my KDE ...
Ami Jess Northam's user avatar
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Elongation problem with Seaborn's Kdeplot

I am currently working on creating a Kernel density estimation (Seaborn's Kdeplot) visualization of point cloud data between two countries. However, I have encountered a problem for which I need some ...
Micki's user avatar
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Explain the output of ArcGIS Pro Kernel Density tool

I am using this tool. I am an experienced GIS analyst and have read the documentation, but I can't seem to understand the output of the tool. In my data, there is a remote area that only has 5 points. ...
yeet_man's user avatar
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Weighted 2D kernel density heatmap in R

I have visual observations from repeat transect surveys (individual sighting locations based on bearing and distance to transect) that I use to create 2D kernel density heatmaps. Currently I do so ...
Anke's user avatar
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Edge correction for density estimation and point pattern analysis by R [closed]

I have point data and coordinates for study area. By using R, I need to investigate: Density of data by using kernel method (quartic kernel). Choose the best bandwidth by using Mean Square Error (MSE)...
MertBakirZC's user avatar
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Kernel density plot in R, plot discreet values on map for specific grid cells

I am trying to highlight single 1x1 degree grid squares on a map. It works highlighting individual grid squares for the first 1 squares but after highlight the 4th square it begins to highlight ...
J_S_Moss's user avatar
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Create density polygons from spatial points in R

I have a dataframe with a bunch of spatial points representing flooding occurrences. I want to know which areas have the highest density of points so we can prioritize areas for management. In ArcGIS ...
seak23's user avatar
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Difference between Heatmap in QGIS and Kernel Density in SAGA

I'm trying to migrate my workflow from QGIS to SAGA so that I can automate it from the command line or a standalone Python script. Part of the workflow is running a KDE (or rather, a series of KDEs). ...
Carl Peterson's user avatar
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Data extraction from imagery in Google Earth Engine using neighborhoodToArray

I am new to Google Earth Engine and I'm working with a dataset contained multiple points with lat/lon coordinate. I want to query these points and extract the band value in the form of 2D array of ...
Việt Nguyễn Đức's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I determine the distribution of my spatial data in order to choose a kernel density bandwidth estimation method?

I'm using kernel density estimates (KDE) to get animal home ranges. When researching bandwidth selection for KDE, I'm learning that it depends heavily on the data's distribution. I'd love to use ...
LauraS's user avatar
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Randomly generating points using weights from raster in QGIS

I need to randomly generate 10K points throughout my region of interest, but I need to weight the point selection by a set of probability weights, stored as a raster - such that higher probability ...
FreddySorbe's user avatar
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Heat Map - Cover non-point areas QGIS

I am doing a heat map of the density of schools within a specific area of a city. Right now, I have this: I would like to create a more formal map in which the white non-coloured aspects are coloured ...
Carlos's user avatar
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708 views raise ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I am trying to run the PointDensity function on a feature class located in a shapefile: [edit shp_file_path] shp_file_path = os.path.join('path_to_shp_folder', 'shp_file_name') if os.path.isfile(...
CodePro's user avatar
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ArcMap: ImportError: No module named sklearn.neighbors

I have tried to create my own Kernel Density Estimation tool in ArcMap, but when importing the sklearn.neighbors module I get the following error: from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity ...
Brecht's user avatar
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OpenLayers: Change point colour to indicate number of overlapping points

I would like to have a heatmap that represents the number of overlapping points, basically to achieve the exact same thing as in this post, but in OpenLayers. At the moment I'm using opacity as an ...
Riverendell's user avatar
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Gaussian_KDE contour density/km^2

I am currently using gaussian_kde to do KDE on a set of coordinate points (each point represents a case). I am able to get out contours which is great; however, when I look at the actual contour level ...
js9938's user avatar
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Heatmap with Contour Polygons

I have point data off the coast of Oahu. Someone else used these same data to create two polygons (approximated by me in the figure below with the green and red hand-drawn boundary lines). I believe ...
Mark Miller's user avatar
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How can I plot a Kernel Density Estimation in a projected coordinate system in Python?

I am trying to plot a Kernel Density Estimation calculated from a geopandas GeoDataFrame in UTM. I am using sci-kit learn's KernelDensity, because other implementations don't allow for much ...
Christian's user avatar
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Spatial kernel density in Python

I have the data of the volume per area for Madrid. from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable def setColorbar(ax, colormap, vmin, vmax): divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ...
emax's user avatar
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How to interpret Kernel Density Maps

In this example, kernel density maps are created. In this example, it is shown how to create comparable kernel density raster maps Now I would like to understand what are the units of kernel density ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Generating Kernel density raster/stars with same dimensions

I would like to generate different rasters from kernel density functions with the same resolution, so that I can compare them. Take this example from here: library(MASS) library(raster) set.seed(123); ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Point density map in QGIS

I would like to create a map of point density of vector features /archealogical sites/ per hectar in QGIS /something like in an attached figure/. I doubt if the kernel density is a proper tool for ...
Jan Zachar's user avatar
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Seeking Crime Analysis Solution Tools in QGIS

I want to create similar maps like shown at the bottom but I am "limited" to QGIS only right now. My goal is to compare crimes committed in 2019 to those in 2020 in the same date window of ...
bluesharxx's user avatar
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Understanding units in Kernel Density analysis using ArcMap

I'm having trouble understanding the units from a Kernel Density analysis in ArcMap. The Context: I am analyzing how many structures will be damaged by sea-level rise in a coastal community. I have ...
PatMac's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Kernel Density takes too long

I’ve been facing an issue with the Kernel Density tool. I’m trying to make density change maps for different crime types. I'm running ArcGIS Pro version 2.6.3. I’ve done this in the past without a ...
John Moses's user avatar
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Kernel density estimation for frequency data on polygon level

I would like to make kernel density estimations for a variety of influencing factors on crime, but I do only have frequency data on polygon level, e.g. number of drug markets on county level. For all ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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In Python, what is the best way to replicate the QGIS Heatmap plugin?

I would like to create a spatial weighted heatmap in Python where I have control over the boundingbox, grid size and bandwidth. In example if I want to create a population heatmap on a grid of 200*200 ...
user19349's user avatar
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Having trouble with the Heatmap's (Kernel Density Estimation-KDE) interpretation in QGIS 3.10

i wanted to generate a density/concentration map of a parameter, in this case Carbon percentage in a water sample. The dataset in csv file looks like these : So, I imported the csv file then plotted ...
asheef_ik's user avatar
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QGIS KDE (Heatmap) TIF file --> Open in ArcGIS in order to use Kernel Interpolation With Barriers

So I've created KDE .tif files in QGIS, but there are currently no plugins available in QGIS, which takes into account barriers when creating KDE density rasters for species. I can bring the .tif ...
Hanmwah's user avatar
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Calculate the class limits from the kernel density depending on the percentage of the source dataset

My goal is to make the class boundary of a kernel density dependent on a percentage of the input points. Specifically I calculate the kernel density from 3000 points in a 50m x 50 m grid with a search ...
nora's user avatar
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Interpret a kernel density map for pollutants

I currently have a grid of values (concentration in ug/m^3) for a certain pollutant. I then converted each grid to a point to use as an input to the Kernel density analysis tool in ArcGIS pro. The ...
meteo_96's user avatar
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Postgis/Postgresql - Interpolate equadistant points based on weighted attribution similar to QGIS Interpolation(Heatmap Kernal Density Estimation)

I have equadistant vector points, that are all 400m apart but only cover certain areas of a map that have a value of (1-5). In QGIS I can run the Kernel Density Estimation with my vector points to ...
andersensm's user avatar
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Choosing kernel density radius [closed]

I have 3 datasets with GPS points. Two of those are GPS points that represent boating activities (two different types) and the third represents turtle observations. I would like to perform Kernel ...
mariag.23's user avatar
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Choosing tool to create raster with probability of occurence on each cell using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two different datasets: 1) seal occurence (point data) 2) fishing boat tracks (line data) First, I need to create two density maps, i.e. one for each dataset. ...
YioKe's user avatar
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Plotting density map of points?

I have some points and I would like to plot the density map of them. I have tried like this: plt.figure() xedges = np.linspace(540000, 550000, 20) yedges = np.linspace(5200000, 5500000, 20) H, ...
Danial's user avatar
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Making informative legend for Kernel Density Estimate in QGIS?

I have used heatmap (kernel density estimation) in QGIS 3.0.1 to make a heatmap of boat counts. In my point data-each point is one boat. Then, in my kernel, I have used a 500m radius, with 500m pixel ...
Louise's user avatar
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Plotting a heat map onto background in python using kde?

I have a geodataframe with points within the united states. Each point has a geometry attribute as well as a value. I would like to plot a heat map based on these values on top the map of the united ...
Houndbobsaw's user avatar
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Kernel Density Estimate on point data in degrees (scikit-learn)

I am estimating point density, where I am having point coordinates in degrees, I need a raster(over the extent of these points) which provides a density estimation on each cell. I have tried on R but ...
Nitin kandpal's user avatar
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Created heatmaps are not displayed

I created a few heatmaps based on 2 different shapefiles( point layers). Then I joined the data from the 2 shp files, the joined file looks perfectly fine. I created a view heatmaps based on the new ...
Tina's user avatar
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Using kernel density estimates as attributes for point data? [closed]

I have spatial point data (say addresses of all inhabitants of a metropolitan area or larger region) with context data for each point like age, gender, employment status, and so on. For each spatial ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Performing Weighted Overlay using vector data with no inherent values in ArcGIS Desktop? [closed]

I have been asked to do a weighted suitability analysis using all vector based polygon feature layers (8 different layers). Each layer has been ranked from 1 to 8 in order of importance. My problem ...
Justin Cahoon's user avatar
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Tools to conduct Kernel Network Density estimation in an ESRI environment

Are there any tools or resources to conduct Network Density Estimation using ArcGIS 10.5 or ArcGIS Pro? I've found this tool but it only works on version 9 - 10.2.
tigerwoulds's user avatar