I'm using PyScripter to explore PyQGIS API because of it's very handy auto-completion function.
I've managed to get a handle on a PostGis vector layer by:
>>> from qgis.core import *
>>> uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
>>> uri.setConnection("<some URL>","5432","<DB name>","<user>","<password>")
>>> uri.setDataSource("public","<table name>","<geometry column name>")
>>> vLayer=QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(),"<layer name>","postgres")
>>> vLayer
<qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer object at 0x052B4D68>
So far so good. My next step is to explore the layer's dataProvider.
>>> vLayer.dataProvider()
Why doesn't vLayer.dataProvider() yield anything, like in QGIS Python Console?
Do I need to initialize vLayer more?