I've installed lizmap web client 3.6.12 on a Debian 12.5 machine. I try to edit a layer via lizmap. I've installed PostGIS extension this way:
Exceptiong for ogr_fwd and postgis_sfcgal. this is the output of postgis_full_version():
POSTGIS="3.3.2 4975da8" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="150" GEOS="3.11.1-CAPI-1.17.1" SFCGAL="SFCGAL 1.4.1, CGAL 5.5.1, BOOST 1.74.0" PROJ="9.1.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.6.2, released 2023/01/02" LIBXML="2.9.14" LIBJSON="0.16" LIBPROTOBUF="1.4.1" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" TOPOLOGY RASTER
and this is the schema for the db:
In QGIS I've exported a shapefile (points) into PostgreSQL(15) correctly and add it in a new PostGIS layer. Now, when I try to edit a point in lizmap the loading bar keeps showing, doing nothing. PostgreSQL log says:
qgis@qgis_test ERROR: function st_astext(postgis.geometry) does not exist at character 11
(qgis is the user, qgis_test is the db. qgis user have granted all to public and postgis) when try to add a point:
invalid query (ERROR: function st_geomfromtext(unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(359334.2646730018... ^ HINT: No functions found with the given name and argument types. You may need to convert the types explicitly.(SELECT GeometryType(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(359334.26467300183 4693797.256745067)', 32633)) as geomtype))
There are some other configuration for Lizmap to do?