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Questions tagged [lizmap]

Lizmap is Open Source software that allows you to publish maps built in QGIS Desktop to the web using a QGIS server, by means of a QGIS plugin.

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Lizmap vector labels and server tile cache

I'm using Lizmap 3.8.2 with QGIS Server 3.38.3 I have several vector layers with labels for each feature, and I'm trying to use the server tile cache. When I activate caching for a layer, it seems to ...
NorbyTheGeek's user avatar
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QGIS Server equivalent of QGIS custom environment variables (AZURE_STORAGE...)- Connect Azure blob storage images to Lizmap

Im trying to use COG geotiffs stored in Azure Blob storage in Lizmap, served via QGIS server/Apache In QGIS (desktop), you set custom environment variables for AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and ...
Tim's user avatar
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Lizmap attachment field not working

I'm trying to create a hyperlink to a server directory, but it's not working. When I try with a URL, it works, but with the path to a folder, it doesn't. It is not possible to create a path to a ...
Ana Amaral's user avatar
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Lizmap User and Date are not being stored

I have a table in my WebGIS where users can add elements. There are two fields with automatic calculation: Lizmap user Date at the time of creation The problem is that sometimes this information ...
Ana Amaral's user avatar
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Lizmap plugin : action error The answer does not include QGIS Server in JSON document [duplicate]

I previously asked Installation of Lizmap Debian : error with QGIS Server in the action part of the Lizmap plugin and still need your help. I now understand that QGIS Server is the server and that ...
M.Huant's user avatar
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QGIS/Lizmap : Custom filter on inherited layer

I just started a new job and I get to work with Lizmap to create custom maps for each French region. To achieve this I would like to use the parent/child feature from Lizmap to create a parent project ...
Corentin's user avatar
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Lizmap plugin not recognizing user rights to see server info

I have qgis server with lizmap-web-client on a windows server (port 3000). In the past I managed to connect to my server using lizmap qgis plugin, but latest release 3.7.8 (I upgraded it manually) ...
Greg's user avatar
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Lizmap / QGIS Server Opening Project Issues

I'm currently working on making work Lizmap on a Debian VM. So I've already correctly opened a QGIS project on Lizmap using PostGIS layers, but I had slowdowns with this project due to cache not ...
kzr1999's user avatar
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PostgreSQL error when editing PostGIS layer in Lizmap

I've installed lizmap web client 3.6.12 on a Debian 12.5 machine. I try to edit a layer via lizmap. I've installed PostGIS extension this way:
Konsole's user avatar
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Adjusting layer order in Lizmap

I'm trying to add a WMS layer in Lizmap, but I want the points on the map to appear on top. Currently, when I add WMS layers, they cover the points from other layers on the map. I use this code to add ...
Jakub Zajkowski's user avatar
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Lizmap add WFS layer with my own js (OpenLayers)

I'm looking for a way to add a WFS layer to my map powered by Lizmap Web Client (3.6) and QGIS server (3.28). I can't succeed to call any method from OpenLayers api in my own JavaScript file. I tried ...
SYG's user avatar
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QGIS - Form builder how to show a new box when another is checked

I wonder if in the form builder of a layer in QGIS one could set a dependency to a box to another. When I'll check the box Inhabitants, I would have the Type of housing appearing. I am using Lizmap ...
Sarah BOUTARD's user avatar
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Lizmap web client : Styling WMS layer according to Time manager date selected

I would like to style a layer according to a date selected with the time manager of Lizmap. I succeeded to achieve this with the QGIS Temporal Controler. For my layer I put some styling rules based on ...
SYG's user avatar
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Lizmap "Configuration cannot be used"

I have set up Lizmap and QGIS Server on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Lizmap Web Client running on NGINX and QGIS Server on apache2 via NGINX reverse proxy. In the Lizmap Desktop Plugin GUI, I get "The ...
MoritzMoreira's user avatar
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Configuration of Lizmap Web Client and QGIS Server with NGINX

I have the same problem described in this question, with the difference that I am using NGINX for Lizmap and QGIS Server, and that I used a python virtual environment to install the QGIS-Plugin-...
MoritzMoreira's user avatar
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Lizmap very very slow loading data

Can someone tell me what is wrong when lizmap is loading data. To load the data it takes about 150 seconds to load. I found where it takes a long time... Or it does not load at all. If it not loads ...
NvBgm's user avatar
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Difference between PostGIS pgrouting and Lizmap pgrouting

I'm starting to work with pgrouting. I know that pgrouting is an extension of PostGIS. I saw that Lizmap (which I currently work on) provides a module called pgrouting. Two points are drawn from the ...
Guido Fonzo's user avatar
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Classification in QGIS with modifications in Lizmap

I'm trying to make some changes to some fields of a point layer in Lizmap. Currently the changes I make are updated in the DB. I'm looking for a way to dynamically manage the classification done in ...
Guido Fonzo's user avatar
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Duplicate geometry by inheriting features in QGIS

I'm working with QGIS desktop and then exporting the project to Lizmap. What I need to do is modify the attributes of an already existing point geometry: For example I have a point geometry with ...
Guido Fonzo's user avatar
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Run Lizmap stack with docker-compose

I tried installing lizmap with docker compose on an ubuntu machine. In the desktop version I can log in to localhost. I'm trying to connect with so as to simulate connecting from outside the ...
Guido Fonzo's user avatar
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Installation of Lizmap Debian : error with QGIS Server in the action part of the Lizmap plugin

We have tried to install Lizmap and QGIS Server on a Debian 11 machine. The QGIS Server is version 3.28.9 and when tried with the method usr/lib/cgi-bin# /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi we get the ...
M.Huant's user avatar
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Lizmap geoprocessing missing list of processes to run

I installed QGIS Server and lizmap with lizmap-wps-web-client-module and py-qgis-wps. The button appears in lizmap but the select "choose a process to run" is always empty. Is there ...
Cristiano Sarmento's user avatar
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Lizmap/QGIS Server : cache management (seeding)

On Debian/Apache, I succeed in installing QGIS Server and Lizmap. I am a little surprised by the poor performance that I can observe currently. They must probably be explained by a bad configuration ...
user35117's user avatar
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Qgis server : install QWC2 and Lizmap on the same server?

I succeed in installing qgis server on our Debian server. Before starting on the installation and documentation of QWC2 and Lizmap, we would have been interested in a small comparison of these two ...
user35117's user avatar
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@lizmap_user registration

I have a problem with @lizmap_user. QGIS Server 3.26.3 Web Client Lizmap 3.5.7. PostgreSQL: 14.5 (Debian 14.5-1.pgdg110+1) I wanted to enable the registration of lizmap users who edit or create new ...
Gianluca Godani's user avatar
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QGIS Serveur retourne une erreur HTTP à propos de l'extension Lizmap : 404

I'm facing a problem to publish a map on lizmap web client. My server is a Debian 11 Bullseye, nginx with Spawn-Fcgi. QGis server is 3.22.14 and is working (I successfully tested : http://localhost/...
SYG's user avatar
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Lizmap "Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource." Ubuntu 20.04

After installing QGIS Server and the Lizmap Webclient I am encountering the error Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. when trying to access http://serverip/lizmap. My Setup: ...
user16405492's user avatar
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QGIS server doesn't detect plugins or Lizmap Webapp doesn't detect its plugin

I am currently setting up a qgis server with lizmap on ubuntu-server 20.04.4, only that, on the lizmap webapps server information tab, it says "QGIS Server returns an HTTP error about the Lizmap ...
iDivWolfram's user avatar
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Imported .SVG icon, in QGIS, can not be shown on LIZMAP

I imported an icon(.SVG) in QGIS and then transffered whole project on QGIS server using FileZilla. However i cannot see newly imported simbology on LIZMAP web client although it is active in QGIS. I ...
Marin Mirošević's user avatar
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Access forbidden during the installation of the Lizmap server on Windows

How can I successfully install Lizmap? I have exhausted all the means of research without success. In fact, for more than a week I have tried to install lizmap on Windows. At the step of the Apache ...
yvemalongo's user avatar
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Is it possible to "copy" one layer from WMS and create another WMS only with this layer automatically?

I'm using Lizmap and QGIS to create WMS service with multiple layers. Now I need to find a way to create WMS containing only one layer that the 'main' WMS contains. Is there any way to do it without ...
miszczep's user avatar
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Lizmap content filtering for different users and other

I am absolute begginer with Lizmap. It would be great if I could get some explanation so i am able to continue with Lizmap and my Qgis data web publishment project. Can i setup content filtering in ...
Marin Mirošević's user avatar
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Lizmap and custom themes

I can't find where to change the footer_logo in Lizamp, through a custom theme. I downloaded the default theme with the command Then I just ...
katagena's user avatar
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Automatically fill fields when creating feature in Lizmap?

I've set-up a project with an editable layer (PostGis) with linear geographic elements in qgis and Lizmap. I would like some fields to be automaticaly filled when an user create a new object. List of ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Is it possible to edit a non PostGIS layer within Lizmap?

I have a running LizMap + Qgis Server configuration (but I am only the frontend admin, another dude is in charge of the backend server therefore I can't access to logs easely). Our set-up is aimed to ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Passing parameters in URL calling Lizmap

Is there a way to pass parameters in the URL, so that Lizmap could retrieve data from a Postgresql database and display it on a project map? Actually I only found the a way to zoom to a location by ...
geom's user avatar
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Installing Lizmap with PostgreSQL and Azure

In our service we have already installed Lizmap on an Azure server, so it works fine but it's just with shp, GeoJSON files. I suggested to them that we work with a database that I created on a ...
USER7's user avatar
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New line layer from point layer

PostgreSQL/QGIS/LizMap environment I have a Postrgre DB POINT layer: -[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildingid | 1 nodeid | 2 ...
Enrico's user avatar
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QGIS 3 : Produce classification on field where multiple values can be stored (comma separated value)

To explain what I want to do the best is a simple example. I have a layer with point for audio geolocated notes. The attribute "type" can store different values : "problem", "...
Corentin Lemaitre's user avatar
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Time Manager on LizMap

We published a project under Ubuntu Server, QGIS, LizMap web client, .. Everything works except the "time manager". Under the desktop client, the time manager works correctly (for example ...
Water67's user avatar
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Lizmap unable to load maps that need authemtification after updating from 3.3.3 to 3.3.10

I have a running Lizmap v. 3.3.3. instance that uses PostgreSQL for authentification. I would like to update to a newer version v.3.3.10 and followed exactly the update instructions. When I now go to ...
geom's user avatar
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Lizmap integration in existing page build with Smarty template

We start working with Lizmap an are impressed by its capabilities. Since we want to integrate Lizmap in our existing infrastructure, we are looking for a way to add the Lizmap template to our existing ...
geom's user avatar
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Lizmap URL highlight and zoom to feature on layer

I would like to pass an id or searchstring and a layername in the URL when calling Lizmap, so that Lizmap highlights the feature on the specified layer and zooms to it. I read a lot about all the cool ...
geom's user avatar
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Lizmap legend layer

I'm trying to redirect GetLegendGraphics to another url. I changed LegendUrl in properties layer in QGIS : My Request=GetCapabilities shows the good link to my legend : <Style> <Name>...
SYG's user avatar
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Lizmap - QGIS server - PostgreSQL error layer not valid

I've installed Lizmap in Windows 10 but a problem is that I haven't the edition button and can't display layers from PostgreSQL. I have a "service non disponible" with "layer not valide&...
Marc.Y's user avatar
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Setting up QGIS Server/Lizmap with PostGIS database

I've installed Lizmap and set up a local PostgreSQL database for Lizmap configurations. Now I'm trying to run a new QGIS Project with the layers saved in a PostGIS/PostgreSQL database (also local) but ...
Lukas's user avatar
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How to setup QGIS Server with PostGIS?

I need setup QGIS Server + PostGIS (+ Lizmap) in Docker for our GIS users. I spent a lot of time reading documentation and searching for information on that matter but it's unclear for me as for ...
LocalOps's user avatar
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Publishing QGIS to intranet [closed]

I have set up a basic QGIS project combining various WMS services and want to publish it to my company's intranet for everyone to use but I am a relative beginner at GIS and all the guides I have ...
Sue D'Nymm's user avatar
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Installation Lizmap web client - Ubuntu

How to give the access rights to access "localhost / lm" since I have the error 403 "forbidden you do not have ....." Can the problem come from there??
baffert's user avatar
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Lizmap error invalid cfg content

Edit: my qgis desktiop is windows zanzibar 3.8.3; my lizmap web client is 3.3.0; my lizmap plugin version is 3.1.2. I downloaded the example qgs content data here:
Riz's user avatar
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