Wow I've just discovered the world of TRANSIMS, a transport model with ambitious aims: "to model all aspects of human behaviour related to transport in one consistent simulation framework" (Nagel, 1999). I was sceptical at this claim at first, but further exploration has revealed that it is increasingly being adopted by Municipal Planning Organisations in the US, is completely open source (complete with a NASA license), and works on Linux as well as Windows.
All this is very exciting for someone researching modelling travel flows.
My question to the GIS community is has anyone got this to integrate with other OSGEO tools such as QGIS, PostGIS or PGrouter (although TRANSIMS has its own route planner)?
There is also a python-based visualiser for this software:
Hope this set of links is of use to others, and hope that people who've encountered TRANSIM can provide insight into its integration with GIS.
Nagel, K., Beckman, R. J., & Barrett, C. L. (1999). TRANSIMS for urban planning. 6th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Venice, Italy. (Available on arXiv).