I have a request to do a map in non-standard projection:
(source: http://www4.agr.gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/display-afficher.do?id=1263246127905&lang=eng)
I couldn't manage to find it my materials. As well I wasn't able to apply such projection in ArcGIS.
Do you know what projection is it? And how to apply it in ArcGIS or Manifold or any open source GIS?
1On a related note: gis.stackexchange.com/questions/1775/…– underdarkCommented Feb 28, 2013 at 8:47
1Perhaps you could persuade your client to use a better projection--almost any projection centered around the southern Pacific ocean would be more accurate and revealing than this one!– whuberCommented Feb 28, 2013 at 19:01
I've managed to find and contact the author. It appeared that it's his own devise. So it rather will not be possible to reproduce it with standard tools.– MarcinCommented Mar 1, 2013 at 8:55
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I guess it is something like this kind of interupted projection: http://www.progonos.com/furuti/MapProj/Normal/ProjInt/ProjIntA/projIntA.html#KHComposite but I don't think you can do that eaysily with GIS software.