I know this is a very old question by now, but here is a script I've put together that can deal with a bunch of corner cases of the KML/KMZ to GDB conversion process.
I hope someone else finds this useful!
Btw, not sure if this is obvious, but it might be worth mentioning that the code below was written for Python 3.
# This script was heavily modified from the script available in the ArcGIS Pro documentation:
# https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/conversion/kml-to-layer.htm
# Also includes information from the following GIS Stack Overflow question:
# https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/55259/python-script-to-convert-a-mass-of-kmls-to-a-single-fgdb?noredirect=1&lq=1
# Converts a directory of KMZs/KMLs and copies the output into a single GDB
# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os
import pathlib
import string
def export_multiple_kmzs_to_single_gdb(kmz_folder, output_gdb, temp_folder):
Function that reads an input folder with multiple KMZ/KML files and exports
all the geometric data contained in those files into a single GDB file.
kmz_folder : str
The input folder that contains all the KMZs/KMLs
that will be converted
output_gdb : str
Path for the consolidated GeoDataBase (.gdb) file
temp_folder : str
Temporary folder where multiple GDB and LRYX files will be generated
and later deleted.
This function creates a ".gdb" file that contains all the geometric
features from the KMZ/KML files in the input directory.
The data from the KMZs/KMLs are all blended into one layer per geometry
type. For example, suppose the following file structure:
-"A.kmz" has points,
-"B.kmz" has points and linestrings,
-"C.kmz" has points and polygons,
-"D.kmz" has points.
In that case, the output GDB file will have 3 layes:
-One layer containing all the points (called "All_Points"), another
containing all the polylines (called "All_Polylines"), and yet another
containing all the polygons (called "All_Polygons").
# Fishing out the output folder and the GDB filename
output_gdb_path = pathlib.Path(output_gdb)
output_folder = str(output_gdb_path.parent)
master_gdb = output_gdb_path.stem + output_gdb_path.suffix
# Creating the temp folder in case it doesn't exist
temp_newly_created = False
if not os.path.exists(temp_folder):
# Flag to indicate that this folder should be deleted at the end of
# the process
temp_newly_created = True
# Creating master GDB. This will store many temporary layers and the
# finalized combined layers.
master_gdb_fullpath = os.path.join(output_folder, master_gdb)
if os.path.exists(master_gdb_fullpath):
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(output_folder, master_gdb)
# Get list of all KMZs/KMLs in the input folder
list_of_kmzs = [f for f in os.listdir(kmz_folder)
if ((f[-4:].lower()=='.kmz') or (f[-4:].lower()=='.kml'))]
# Set that contains the names of the consolidated layers created thus far
# (i.e., "All_Lines", "All_Polygons", ...). This set starts empty and
# gets populated as the execution progresses.
consolidated_layers = set()
# Looping over every KMZ/KML file
for i,kmz in enumerate(list_of_kmzs):
# Convert KMZ/KML file into a separate temporary GDB
kmz_fullpath = os.path.join(kmz_folder, kmz)
kmz_gdb_name = os.path.join(temp_folder, kmz)[:-3] + 'gdb'
if os.path.exists(kmz_gdb_name):
print(f"CONVERTING: {kmz_fullpath}")
arcpy.env.workspace = kmz_folder
arcpy.KMLToLayer_conversion(kmz_fullpath, temp_folder)
feature_classes = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*', '', 'Placemarks')
arcpy.env.workspace = kmz_gdb_name
# Looping over every Featureclass from the newly-created GDB
feature_classes = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*', '', 'Placemarks')
# If the input KMZ/KML is empty, the `feature_class` object from the
# function above will contain None. This needs to be fixed for the
# script to work.
if feature_classes is None:
feature_classes = []
for this_fc in feature_classes:
arcpy.env.workspace = kmz_gdb_name
# Adding the "kmz_filename" column
# Updating the values of the "kmz_filename" column
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(this_fc,'kmz_filename') as rows:
for row in rows:
row[0] = kmz
# Creating the name for the new layer
new_layer_name = kmz_gdb_name[kmz_gdb_name.rfind(os.sep) + 1:-4]
# Fixing some invalid characters in the layer name
valid_characters = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_')
invalid_characters = set([x for x in new_layer_name if x not in valid_characters])
for this_char in invalid_characters:
new_layer_name = new_layer_name.replace(this_char,'_')
new_layer_name = arcpy.ValidateTableName(new_layer_name)
# Ensuring that the first character isn't a number
if new_layer_name[0] in string.digits:
new_layer_name = '_' + new_layer_name
# Copying the Featureclass from the newly-created GDB to the
# Master GDB
print(f"COPYING: {this_fc} FROM: {kmz_gdb_name}")
fcCopy = os.path.join(kmz_gdb_name, 'Placemarks', this_fc)
fcCopy, master_gdb_fullpath, new_layer_name)
# Copying the features from each individual Featureclass into the
# main "All_Points" or "All_Polylines" Featureclasses (i.e., the
# consolidated layers).
master_layer_name = f'All_{this_fc}'
arcpy.env.workspace = master_gdb_fullpath
print(f"COPYING: {this_fc} TO: {master_layer_name}")
# If the consolidated layer has already been created, append
# the KMZ/KML's data to it. If not, the layer needs to be created
# and the set of consolidated layers needs to be updated.
if master_layer_name in consolidated_layers:
arcpy.management.Append(new_layer_name, master_layer_name)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(new_layer_name, master_layer_name)
# Delete the temporary Featureclass layer inside the master GDB
# Deleting the newly-generated GDB and lyrx files
arcpy.env.workspace = master_gdb_fullpath
if os.path.isdir(kmz_gdb_name):
lyrx_filename = kmz_gdb_name[:-3] + 'lyrx'
if os.path.isfile(lyrx_filename):
# If the temp folder didn't exist at the beginning of this process, it
# should be deleted at the end.
if temp_newly_created: