I am facing a problem on an unknown SRS when I am importing a shapefile into GeoServer. I am trying to import a shapefile into GeoServer but when I am publishing the shapefile, it is giving the unknown SRS in Native SRS on GeoServer. I am giving the link of screenshot of issue: ( http://mindcrewgis.com/screensho_error/shape_file.png)
Then after I set the SRS (900913) and publish the layer, I am getting another error on the layer preview when I click on any feature on the layer. It is giving an error like:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.geotools.data.DataSourceException: An exception occurred while parsing WKB data org.geotools.data.DataSourceException: An exception occurred while parsing WKB data An exception occurred while parsing WKB data null
And it does not give any feature information. The screenshot is here: http://mindcrewgis.com/screensho_error/feature_error.png
But the same shapefile works fine on QGIS on my Desktop. Please give me the solution to the above problem.