I have a spreadsheet full of addresses to geocode in ArcMap 10. I've added the spreadsheet to the map, then started to geocode them via the context menu's "Geocode addresses" item. Many were matched automatically, and most of the unmatched I've been able to resolve within the Interactive Rematch dialog. But I have a handful of addresses where I get no result at all.
I can, however, locate these points on Google Maps, and I can get the latitude and longitude that way. How can I enter that data into the table to locate the missing points? I have tried editing the data and putting the lat/lon values into the X and Y columns, (via Edit Features -> Start Editing, then Open Attribute Table on the context menu). But when I Flash the point, I don't see it. The lat & lon are consistent with the other data points on the map (i.e., not swapped, and using the correct sign).
How can I add the points to the table?