Plugin Raster->TerrainAnalysis->slope which had initially worked, started showing what another questioner referred to as a "crazy histogram": Slope analysis from NED data gives crazy histogram?

Before finding his question and the answer, I endeavored to uninstall and reinstall the plugin.

I found/still find (QGIS 2.0.1, now upgraded to QGIS 2.4, on Ubuntu 14.04), the plugin "uninstall" button grayed out/disabled.

It's working, but I am worried about having a plugin I installed that does not offer an option to be uninstalled.

Failing anything else I would be tempted to use the path information to rename the .so library and see if it disappeared.

uninstall grayed-out

1 Answer 1


This plugin is a C++ core plugin and cannot be uninstalled. Only Python plugins can be uninstalled. If you find an issue with a core plugin which is reproducible, please report the bug.

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