I am used to working in envi, however my current version does not support Landsat8. I downloaded GRASS for the express purpose of converting Landsat8 DN to TOA reflectance for use/analysis in envi.
I have managed to do the conversion fine using the tutorial provided (http://courses.neteler.org/processing-landsat8-data-in-grass-gis-7/#Unpacking_the_downloaded_Landsat_8_dataset), however once I try to export that to a format usable by envi, I get stuck.
I have tried "r.out.tiff": However get this warning: "WARNING: Raster map > is a floating point map. Fractional values will be rounded to integer"
When I load it in envi it is clear that the image quality has decreased and it is no longer suitable for my analyses.
When I try "r.out.gdal": I get the following error message: "ERROR 6: SetColorTable() only supported for Byte or UInt16 bands in TIFF format."
And when I try to open it in envi, I get this message: "Cannot open in envi: unsupported number of bits per pixel"
Can anyone help me please?