Is there any way to interface with features, but more specifically their attributes, in a file geodatabase like you can in a personal geodatabase?
Frequently I will just open a personal geodatabase in MS Access and use straight SQL (not the query wizard but raw SQL - I think quicker and work much more quickly this way) to manipulate attributes in their tables, do table field updates, drop records based on whatever criteria, etc. This works and it works well and is a heckuva lot easier than trying to jockey with attributes through ArcGIS (e.g., the Intersect tool) like if I want to just append one field etc. I've been doing this for a couple of years on multiple projects with no problems.
Is there any recourse for this approach with a file geodatabase? I'm guessing not but am hoping I'm wrong...and am wondering if ESRI may deprecate the personal geodatabase format all together since they really push the file geodatabase format...
thanks Tom