Using ArcGIS 10.2, I am trying to combine two rasters which are identically overlapping in shape and extent, but with different values and counts.
As an end result I would like each cell to retain values from both rasters, so I can compare the two values within each cell.
Does anyone have an idea of how to accomplish this?
I still haven't been able to accomplish my goal. let me clarify. My end goal is to have a table that does a cell by cell comparison, such as:
Value 1: 2, 5, 7
Value 2: 3, 3, 9
Difference: -1, 2, -2
I have spatial analyst, and I have been able to find the difference, but am unable to compare the differences to the original values because the object ID is based on values not individual cells.
I was able to accomplish my goal, by converting the rasters to polygons and doing a spatial join. I realize my question was misleading by inferring I needed a raster to store the data.