I am learning to use QGIS with the QGIS training manual (from the QGIS website). One of the excercises is to load vector data from a database (ch 3.1.3 in case you have the manual). When I try to do so I get the following error:

Unexpected error when working with: /home/(...)/exercise_data/epsg4326/landuse.sqlite

obsolete libspatialite: connecting to this DB requires using v.4.0 (or any >subsequent)

Does anyone know what's wrong? I am using Ubuntu (latest version, had same issue before update). I also had the following error when opening QGIS:

Couldn't load PyQGIS. Python support will be disabled.

I'm just mentioning this in case it is related, if not you can ignore it (will post seperate question if needed).

1 Answer 1


As indicated in error message you need to install libspatialite version 4 or higher. I use OpenSUSE and this package is called libspatialite5 there. Here you are a couple of links to tutorials for installing spatialite on Ubuntu: Installing Spatialite 4 on Ubuntu, Spatialite on Ubuntu.

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