I am trying to import a raster file (.flt) into GRASS. The raster file (.flt) was generated from HEC-RAS. The said raster format cannot be imported into GRASS (it shows the error "file not supported"). Is there a way to import the .flt into GRASS?
2 Answers
It seems that r.in.gdal
will be able to import *.flt files. I just browsed some posts in GRASS Mailing lists, though the last one reports errors while importing due to some reasons, you could try them.
Thanks. I visited the links you posted but it does not discuss the error I am experiencing for loading .flt files. The "file not supported" error occurs whenever I tried importing .flt files in GRASS Commented Jun 30, 2011 at 12:32
@teamAngat, not a good suggestion, but still have you tried posting the question on GRASS User's mailing list? Commented Jun 30, 2011 at 13:31
yes, I already posted it but it is still pending. What I am currently doing in order to import the *.flt file into GRASS is to use arcgis (temporarily) to convert the file. The arcgis that we are currently using is only a trial version. We cannot use arcgis since the software that we are using has no budget, so we should only use open source software. Commented Jul 1, 2011 at 8:38