I have successfully included charts in infowindows (e.g. https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb.js/blob/develop/examples/infowindow_with_graph.html) but I would like to include charts in panels alongside a cartodb map. Is there a way to adjust the code in the link above to achieve this?

  • Thats great Andy, Im trying to do something similar but my tables dont have numeric values, I want do draw charts on string values. For example I have a column that is divided by 3 values; inspected, not inspected and active. I would like to draw a piechart with the % of inspected, not inspected and active. Could you show me an example for doing this?? Thanks Commented May 8, 2015 at 2:04

1 Answer 1


You can use click events to get the data from the object you click on and control where that data goes by using the callback object.

First put the draw_chart function from that example in the click event below:

sublayer.on('featureClick',function(e, latlng, pos, data, subLayerIndex) {
    draw_chart([data.pop_min, data.pop_max], data.name);

You can then edit draw_chart to put the chart into whichever div element you want.

See a basic working example here. It uses most of the code from the example you included.

Check out the CartoDB.js documentation for more information.

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