I try over 2 days to connect an ESRI Personal Geodatabase with QGIS 2.8.1
Here is my testing report.
Testing environment: Windows 7 64-bit; MS Office 32-bit; QGIS 32-Bit
1. Step: Creating an ODBC-System-DSN We have a 32-bit Office installation. We find the 32-bit ODBC-Administration-Tool under:
The mdb-file is an ESRI Personal Geodatabase.
2. Step: Testing the ODBC-Connecting work With the database4.exe, which is free, I tested the new ODBC-Connecting does work. (http://fishcodelib.com/Database.htm)
Yes, very good!
And here you can see all tables in the mdb-File.
3. Step: Open with ODBC-Connection in QGIS
Yes, very good. The ODBC is working!
Oh no, the geometry type is Unknown!!
4. Step: Open with ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase-Connection in QGIS
Oh no, the ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase-Connection doesn't work! Why?
Reference 1: Should I try the QGIS 64-bit version? Like this post: https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/139716/53879
My opinion is, that in this post with drag the mdb file into your workspace is NOT an ODBC-Connection. The ESRI Personal Geodatabase will add with "Add Vector-Layer.." in File-Modus. Just try, drag a mdb-file into the workspace. It will open... But I want to connect the ESRI Personal Geodatabase in Database-Modus.
Reference 2: In this post: http://www.northrivergeographic.com/qgis-accessing-personal-geodatabase the workaround work. I think here is QGIS 64-bit installed.
QUESTIONS: -Why work the ODBC-Test and the ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase-Test not?
-Should I try my workaround in QGIS 64-bit installation? Have anybody some experience?
PROBLEM: I want to connect an existing ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase (*.mdb) over ODBC and edit the data. In 32-bit installation of QGIS is this not possible??
INFORMATION: I tryed over 4 days to connect an ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase (*.mdb) over the Database-Radio-Button. UNSUCCESSFUL! I tested extra on a 64Bit PC: 64bit Windows 7 with SP1; 64Bit QGIS; 64Bit Office 2010. I received the same error.
And it was an Original ESRI-Personal-GeoDatabase (*.mdb). I opened with ESRI-Software.