I am trying to use QGIS to get the perimeter, area, bounds width, and bounds height of US congressional districts, using the US Census TIGER shapefile. I loaded the shapefile into QGIS, set my CRS to NZGD49 with on-the-fly transformation enabled, and then started doing calculations using field calculator.
Perimeter and area seemed to work fine; I got pretty large numbers as you'd expect for units in meters and square meters. But when I tried to get bounds width and bounds height using bounds_width($geometry)
and bounds_height($geometry)
, I got very small numbers, mostly less than 5 - it looks as if the units are in degrees for bounds but in meters for perimeter and area. I tried different projections, but with similar results for all of them. How can I get QGIS to report bounds width and bounds height in meters instead of degrees?