I am working in a viewer with suite sdk gxp and I can see my layers, but some of them in the viewer are located wrong. I have checked postgis and geoserver and every layer is ok with the same EPSG, 4326. Any idea about this?
How far off are they? If they're off a few to a few hundred meters, they could be using a different geographic coordinate reference system aka datum. If further away, could be in a different projected coordinate reference system.– mkennedyCommented Oct 2, 2015 at 18:05
They are far away to the right position, but not all of them, some of my layers are well located. And I cheked it them with Qgis, and the CRS is Ok!!– SSotoCommented Oct 5, 2015 at 8:53
I have a geotiff image as a background, Can it be the problem?– SSotoCommented Oct 5, 2015 at 8:55
The ones that are in the wrong location may have the wrong CRS definition. Did you "redefine" the CRS on some of them, without actually reprojecting them?– mkennedyCommented Oct 5, 2015 at 12:38
Thank you for your help!! I didn't reprojecting because they are geting from the database, so I understand that they are in the right CRS. The thing is, in some of the layers when they are snown with some double features or elements ( doble line in diferent position), one in the right position and the other no. I think that I am going to reload my layers in the Postgis-Postgres and restart to be sure.– SSotoCommented Oct 7, 2015 at 10:31
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