I need a tutorial for how to embed YouTube videos in CartoDB Editor infowindows.

Most help I can find about this is about iframes which were apparently disabled for security reasons.

What do I have to do, step by step, to make an infowindow display a YouTube video in CartoDB Editor?

What is the HTML code I have to put in the infowindow section of the CartoDB web interface?

Is this possible without hosting the map on my own server? How do I access the .js script if I am using the CartoDB Editor web interface?

This, from the aforementioned link, does not work:

<div class="cartodb-popup">
  <a href="#close" class="cartodb-popup-close-button close">x</a>
  <div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
     <iframe width="188" src="{{youtube_embed_link}}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  <div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>

1 Answer 1


CartoDB disables < script > and < iframe > tags on infowindows due to security reasons. However, you could still disable this, by using the sanitizeTemplate:falseoption when declaring an infowindow, like this: sublayer.infowindow.set({ template: $('#infowindow_template').html(), width: 218, maxHeight: 100, sanitizeTemplate:false }); You can check that out on the documentation

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