I have used the Vector -> Analysis Tools -> Distance matrix to merge two datasets by the closest points.
But in my output csv file, the points that match exactly, or that has 0 metres between them are left out. However, I need these to be included in my analysis. How can I solve it?
What I want is to get all my rows or points included in the output file. both the ones that have some distance between them (Im interested in the nearest, so Ive set the "Use only the nearest (k) target points" to 1), and the ones that match exactly (or are as close as 0 metres)...
My target file looks like this with the unique ID field being the first column.
776 20 21 Sommer 15 362090 6448220 91,17288005 81,29255262
777 20 21 Sommer 16 362080 6448220 82,0068365 89,23947222
778 20 21 Sommer 17 362070 6448220 72,84079294 93,09493861
779 20 21 Sommer 18 362060 6448220 63,67474938 87,23483922
780 20 21 Sommer 19 362050 6448220 54,50154742 82,17765362
781 20 21 Sommer 20 362040 6448220 45,32403426 77,6562944
782 20 21 Sommer 21 362030 6448220 36,14652111 73,65212869
And my input file looks like this. The unique Id field is here the last column.
Year UTM-¿st UTM-nordID Art vei turbin unique ID field
2011 361452 6448500 20 Hjort 75,78870308 183,814654 H 175-200 149
2011 361322 6448500 20 Hjort 30,24121334 88,0259451 D 75-100 150
2011 362043 6448230 25 Hjort 70,09615368 533,61694 NA >200 151
2011 362070 6448220 25 Hjort 93,09493861 560,4653704 NA >200 152
2011 362152 6448220 25 Hjort 40,42562935 624,70644 NA >200 153
2011 362177 6448220 25 Hjort 31,05429277 645,0934399 NA >200 154
2011 362191 6448219 25 Hjort 27,17585338 657,2094756 NA >200 155
2011 362194 6448218 25 Hjort 26,84745014 660,2549379 NA >200 156
2011 362208 6448219 25 Hjort 20,19118365 671,3551471 NA >200 157
The datasets consists of approx 1200 and 650 rows.
I solved this by using NNjoin instead of the distance matrix tool. But if anyone has an answer to the question of how to solve this using the distance matrix tool, please let me know!