I have a problem related to the distance matrix in QGIS (2.12.0). Instead of meters it calculates distances in degrees. I found that some other users faced also this problem. I tried to solve it according to the instructions given by others. Unfortunately it didn’t work in my case. I don’t know where the problem is.
Regarding project properties, I set enable on the fly CRS transformation
and chose ETRS89 / Poland CS92
as my project CRS. For Settings->Options->CRS
I chose Automatically enable on the fly reprojection by default
; and use project CRS
for new layers.
I uploaded CSV file with x,y coordinates (the sample: 52.29685 20.93881 DORYCKA 5, Warszawa
). And then saved this CSV as ESRI shp (with project CRS). The objects were visualized on the map.
Unfortunately, as I said, I was able only to measure distance matrix in degrees - is it possible to do so in metres?