Currently I am writing a standalone Python script and I am trying to modify a simple point marker using font style. There are some interesting fonts with different characters that aren't exactly on a normal keyboard. Does anyone know how to use these characters?
For example, I currently have:
symbol = QgsMarkerSymbolV2.createSimple({'color': 'transparent', 'outline_color': 'transparent'})
# create the fontStyle symbol
fontStyle = {}
fontStyle['color'] = 'gray'
fontStyle['font'] = 'DejaVu Serif'
fontStyle['chr'] = '0x65'
fontStyle['size'] = '8'
# create a layer for the fontStyle
symLyr1 = QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2.create(fontStyle)
I can't type in the actual character in fontStyle['chr'] but I do know the actual value pertaining to the desired character. Is there a 'value' property such that I can say something like:
fontStyle['value'] = '0x65'