I have two raster layers. The first is a terrestrial habitat raster that includes an open water value. The second is a lentic habitat raster. I would like to "burn in" the lentic habitat raster values to the terrestrial habitat raster anywhere that it overlaps a cell with an open water value. I am close to completing this with the conditional tool, but all open water cells in the terrestrial raster that are not overlapped by cells in the lentic raster are being replaced by no_data. I understand why this is happening, but I am having trouble figuring out how to modify my workflow to get this done. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for a modified workflow or a different method. Here's what I'm currently doing:
1. Expand tool on the lentic raster to ensure lentic habitats are at least the width extent of the open water classes
2. Conditional tool with parameters shown in first figure
And below is a snapshot of the output with black cells representing cells that originally had open water values but now have no_value.