I'm new to all this systems and world !
I have some points represented in the XY coordinate in Tunisia and I'm looking for a library to transform those points.
for example : x = -92336.468 / y = 99043.202
and the origin of the XY coordinate is : lat: 33.8869 ; long: 9.5375
when I use this website converter from XY to Lat-Long I get the adequate result when testing the results on google map .
What's the algo of the conversion or if there is a ready Library that would be awesome.
do you have a language in mind?– Ian TurtonCommented Dec 5, 2016 at 14:57
Javascript would be good– abderrahmenCommented Dec 5, 2016 at 14:58
proj4js.org– Ian TurtonCommented Dec 5, 2016 at 14:58
I came past this library but didn't dive into it. I will check it and tell you– abderrahmenCommented Dec 5, 2016 at 15:00
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1 Answer
You could use Proj4js. It look pretty easy to use. You will need the projection parameters witch you can search with this site http://epsg.io/. To work with google map you will need to transform them in WGS84. And i can't post the link of that one because it seem that i do not have the reputation points :(.
what's the epsg of X and Y coordinate system with specified origin. I couldn't find it in epsg.io Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 15:43
Well I really don't know what is used in Tunisia. It should be there, but there may be others websites that can help you find the projections parameters too. That is the one you want to convert to: proj4.defs("EPSG:4326","+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");– KokodCommented Dec 5, 2016 at 15:49
thank you for the help. I just thought that the source epsg is international also since I was able to get the right result with this website : whoi.edu/marine/ndsf/utility/NDSFutility.html Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 15:54