I am often creating hex grid layers in Leaflet which use circlemarker for styling.
I would like to shift / offset the shadow circle under each marker in order to give the layer some depth.
Which would be the best way to achieve this?
Could I possibly create a style function which creates two circlemarker for each feature with the lower circle being shifted and opaque.
I could just duplicate the layer. But how can I apply a shift to a layer or a circlemarker?
At the moment I just add a second layer with a lat/lon shift to the elements based on the zoom level.
var gridZoomShift = {
12: 0.0004,
13: 0.0002,
14: 0.0001,
15: 0.00005,
16: 0.000025,
17: 0.0000125
Not perfect but good enough for now.
I chose in the end the L.divIcon solution due to browser compatibility with filter:drop-shadow.
new L.geoJson(dots, {
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return L.marker(latlng, divStyle(feature));
function divStyle(feature){
var c = feature.properties.c;
var s = c < circleRadiusArray[0] ? 4 :
c < circleRadiusArray[1] ? 4.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[2] ? 5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[3] ? 5.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[4] ? 6 :
c < circleRadiusArray[5] ? 6.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[6] ? 7 :
c < circleRadiusArray[7] ? 7.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[8] ? 8 :
c < circleRadiusArray[9] ? 8.5 :
return {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'circle',
iconSize: [s, s]
The style for a bivariate map:
function divStyle(feature){
var c = feature.properties.c;
var v = feature.properties.v;
var s = c < circleRadiusArray[0] ? 4 :
c < circleRadiusArray[1] ? 4.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[2] ? 5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[3] ? 5.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[4] ? 6 :
c < circleRadiusArray[5] ? 6.5 :
c < circleRadiusArray[6] ? 7 :
c < circleRadiusArray[7] ? 7.5 :
var circle_colour = v < circleColorArray[0] ? 'circle_c51b7d' :
v < circleColorArray[1] ? 'circle_de77ae' :
v < circleColorArray[2] ? 'circle_f1b6da' :
v < circleColorArray[3] ? 'circle_fde0ef' :
v < circleColorArray[4] ? 'circle_f7f7f7' :
v < circleColorArray[5] ? 'circle_e6f5d0' :
v < circleColorArray[6] ? 'circle_b8e186' :
v < circleColorArray[7] ? 'circle_b8e186' :
return {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: circle_colour,
iconSize: [s, s]