I have been searching for an AA method that can update our CP system status field to "UP" in our gas main layer whenever a control point test location is created or modified on that gas main feature. The conditions would be that the control point would have to be created on the gas main, then populated with a control number from the gas main (this is done by the intersecting feature AA method). However, I am unable to find a way to change our CP system status field to "UP" in the gas main layer when said control point is created and populated with a control number.
So, I turned to the expression method in AA to try and accomplish this. I am decent at python expressions but have little experience writing VB expressions (required for this AA method) that could achieve such automation. Does anyone know a good VB expression that could update my CP system status field to "UP" when a control point is created and attributes modified? This would most likely be a conditional statement.