I am doing a simulation of land cover changes with Molusce 3.0.13 in QGIS 2.18.9. I am using 2 Corine landmap uses (2006 and 2012, with minor changes on the area, 12 same categories in both), road distances, sewer distances and a population net. All rasters have the same resolution (10) and are Int32 and have the same nodata value of 99999. The CRS is EPSG:3912. The plugin calculates me the Paerson's Correlation coefficients and the Area Changes table but it crashes after starting the "create changes map". I was trying to troubleshoot a lot (ot change, .QGIS folder deletion, plugin reinstall, different clips, nodata values...), but I could not find any remedy. I just saw that the plugin crashes later if I add a different color palette, but not sure it's relevant. I found this topic open on it's Github Issues page, but there are no replies...
Does anyone know what's wrong with my data / which library I miss /etc?