I am analyzing several LANDSAT scenes from the LANDSAT 8 OLI mission (18 in total, all from Jan 2017 - cloud cover < 20%).
I now want to calculate the NDVI and do some land cover classification on these scenes using R and its RS packages, but first need to apply some corrections to these scenes.
If I'm correct, I need to (with examples of codes provided from RStooolbox
and raster
1. Do the DN calibration
p198r053_rad<-radCor(p198r053, metaData = metap198r053, method = "rad")
2. Apply an atmospheric correction
p198r053_haze<-estimateHaze(p198r053, darkProp = 0.01, hazeBand= c("B1_dn", "B2_dn", "B3_dn", "B4_dn"))
p198r053_sdos<-radCor(p198r053, metaData = metap198r053, hazeValues= p198r053_haze, hazeBand= c("B1_dn", "B2_dn", "B3_dn", "B4_dn"), method="sdos")
3. Apply a topographic correction (C-correction)
using a DEM and RStoolbox::topCor
4. Mask the clouds using the QA layer
using raster::mask()
5. Check the geolocation of each scene
I don't know how to do so yet (see questions below).
6. Calculate the NDVI for each scene
ndvi_formula<-function(nir,red) {
(nir - red)/(nir + red)
(i.e. bands 5 and 4 of L8 data - but from which layer?? (see question below))
7. Classify images according to land cover type
(perhaps this should be done with the Semi-Automatic Classification tool in QGIS?)
8. Check if all scenes have the same projection and reproject if necessary
Using raster::projection()
and raster::projectRaster()
9. Create a mosaic of all scenes for NDVI and land cover layers
Using raster::merge()
10. Crop mosaïcs to match the country's borders
Using a shapefile of the country and raster::mask()
(I have based my approach on the one given by Wegmann et al. (2016) in "Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists using Open Source Software")
Are these steps correct and in the right order?
Also, more specifically:
- Steps 1-4 seem to create different rasters for each scene, how do I merge these rasters together to have a scene with all corrections from which to calculate NDVI and do the classification?
- How do I correct the geolocation of my scenes?