I try to extract the filename from a path in my attribute table in QGIS.

regex_substr should be the way to go I assume, but testing all kinds of example from the web did not work out.

I have images which I want to link, but the original pathes are not valid anymore, cause all images from different people went into one single folder now.

Example paths:


here I would just like to populate a new field with p__20170608_122128.jpg etc. only.

A solution, that would give me the rest of the string after the last / would be the most versatile one in my case, I assume.

Any ideas?

  • YouTube may try your_string[your_string.rfind('/')+1:] ír
    – Zoltan
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 16:27
  • Try rfind('/') instead öv regexp function
    – Zoltan
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 16:29
  • There is no such thing as rfind in the field calculator expressions for strings, otherwise I would have used it.
    – Bernd V.
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 16:40

1 Answer 1


Found a working solution for Linux myself shortly after posting the question.


gives the rest of the string (in my case the filename) after the last /

regexp_substr("column_with_full_path", '([^/]+$)')

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/q/8945477

For Windows, referring to cm1's comment below:

regexp_substr("column_with_full_path", '([^\\\\]+$)')
  • In my case, I had backslashes (Windows) in the field named 'location'. This worked nicely: regexp_substr("location", '([^\\\\]+$)'). Use double backslashes to represent a single backslash (one 'escapes' the other).
    – cm1
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 13:45

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