In ArcGIS Online, I have a point layer with attributes Provider1, Provider2, Provider3.....Provider13. The values are text consisting of people's names.
I would like to configure the popup to concatenate the Providers separated by a semi-colon. However, some points only have a value for Provider1. Other points only have a value for Provider1 and Provider2. Other points only have a value for Provider1, and Provider2, and Provider3... etc.
Currently I simply have:
Concatenate($feature.PROVIDER1, ';', $feature.PROVIDER2, ';',
$feature.PROVIDER3,';', $feature.PROVIDER4,';',$feature.PROVIDER5)
But for points that have only Provider1, the popup shows:
John J. Doe; ; ; ;
Is there a way to to have the expression "stop" trying to concatenate when it encounters an empty Provider value?