I'm quite unsure if this is the right place to ask but I would like to have some advice from experts.
I'm working on a QGIS project in a small area in the south of Portugal. I've been questioning myself about which projection would be the most appropriate for the project.
Since I'm aiming to establish marine protected areas, I believe that choosing one that would preserve areas and keep them as close to reality as much as possible would be the best option (please do correct me if I'm wrong), meaning an equal-area projection.
Can anyone indicate an EPSG that would fit into these parameters?
Until now, I was using the global 4326 and I also experimented with 32629 (WGS 84 / UTM zone 29N)
EDIT: My area of interest has 9 000 km². I would prefer for the error to be as small as possible but I can tolerate if it is not uniform.