I'm trying to use PyQgis to query a WFS-service and return the items found within a certain bounding box.

When entering the following uri in the browser, it returns a xml with a limited set of results

uri = 'https://geoservices.informatievlaanderen.be/overdrachtdiensten/GRB/wfs?request=getFeature&srsname=EPSG:31370&typename=GRB:ADP&BBOX=183918,186419,184189,186632,EPSG:31370'

Using PyQgis I wish to load this into QGIS (3.4.3):

layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, "WFS_Layer", "WFS")
project = QgsProject.instance()

The layer which loads, loads all the data within my view extent, not just the data I requested in BBOX. Afterwards I need to get some attributes of the loaded data, therefor I wish to limit the amount of data, as loading times easily get too high.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Reading the link below, I think it's a chosen behaviour in the Qgis implementation. Is there any way to circumvent this? https://issues.qgis.org/issues/8871

I also tried the solution provided in the question below, but had no luck. Why doesn't QGIS show the results from a WFS BBOX from a Python script

1 Answer 1


It seems that this default behaviour cannot be overwritten. So to solve my problem, I finally decided to just download the files locally through WFS and load these.

The code is given below, in capital what to change to your own values (+ change epsg value)

import zipfile
from io import BytesIO  # Python 3

proj_xmin= INTVALUE
proj_xmax= INTVALUE
proj_ymin= INTVALUE
proj_ymax= INTVALUE

print('Beginning file download with urllib2...')

url = 'YOURSERVERURL&BBOX='+str(int(proj_xmin))+','+str(int(proj_ymin))+','+str(int(proj_xmax))+','+str(int(proj_ymax))+',EPSG:31370&outputFormat=shape-zip'
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
#filename = response.info()['Content-Disposition'].split('=')[-1]
foldername = 'FOLDERLOCATION'
data = response.read()
    with BytesIO() as zipdata:
        myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata)
    print('Could not write the files')

# Add vectorlayer to Qgis 3.x
iface.addVectorLayer(foldername+"/SHAPENAME.shp", "", "ogr")

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