I have a set of points for which I want to see what built up or non-built areas were around these points in 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018. When I lay these points (in yellow) on the default satellite imagery that appears in GEE, I get this:
Now I can zoom in on the map around these points and see actual buildings, roads or fields. Likewise I want to see these points on a similar satellite imagery of 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018. I tried using image from Landsat 8 Raw Scenes (Orthorectified) as well as Landsat 8 C1T1 and Real-time data raw scenes, both with their rgb bands. In both of them, we can see the difference in terrains but the details of buildings, roads and fields are lost. I wanted to know if there is any date/year field or some other Google Earth Engine APIs I can use to get the similar map just for the previous years and not the most recent one?