I'm running ArcMap 10.4 and trying to incorporate text from a joined MS Access 2013 table (through an OLE DB connection) as a dynamic text element in a data driven pages setup. Adding dynamic text from those fields returns "[empty]," even though I can label from those fields and run symbology from those fields. When I export my Access table to Excel and join that instead, dynamic text from those fields works splendidly. I have tried the usual "tablename.fieldname" workarounds and the such to no avail. I've attached a screenshot of the attribute table (with a few fields cropped and/or blurred for confidentiality and size). It's PropertyAddress that I'm attempting to make a dynamic text block for.
The ESRI help specifically says, "this includes fields joined to the index layer," but I'm just not able to make that happen when the fields are joined from Access. Is this a deficiency in ArcMap or have I missed an important memo somewhere?