I would like to create an array of a line's z-values to use as part of another expression. The z-values should be in the same order as the vertices, I would like to be able to use it as an input for min(), max() functions etc.

I have looked through the geometry and array expressions in the field calculator but I haven't found anything that works. I had an idea to count the number of points (nump_points($geometry)), and loop through the geometry pulling out z values at individual vertices but there's no loop function in the field calculator.


2 Answers 2


You can easily add a new function to get array of z-values from line vertices.

  1. Open Function Editor tab in Field Calculator (or Expression) window. Create a new function by clicking plus icon. Enter a file name, e.g. z_array_from_line.
  2. Copy/Paste the script. Then, click Save and Load Functions (or related button) to register the function. It's added 'Custom' group.

    from qgis.core import *
    from qgis.gui import *
    @qgsfunction(args=0, group='Custom')
    def get_z_array_from_line_vertices(value1, feature, parent):
        z_array = [p.z() for p in feature.geometry().vertices()]
        return z_array
  3. Now, you can use get_z_array_from_line_vertices() function in expressions.

The function gives you z-values in the same order as the vertices.

EDIT: But max() function in Expression is expecting set of values like max(1,2,3), not list or array like max([1,2,3]). If you need maximum value you can add python max() which excepts list to the definition of the function or save as a new one.

from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *

@qgsfunction(args=0, group='Custom')
def max_z_value_from_line_vertices(value, feature, parent):
    z_array = [p.x() for p in feature.geometry().vertices()]
    return max(z_array)
  • Thanks. However when I try to use max() on the array it doesn't return anything, I think it's because max() is expecting a list or a set but not an array. How do I convert the array to a list? Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 12:31
  • You're right. But max() is expecting set of values like max(1,2,3), not list or array like max([1,2,3]). If you need maximum value you can add max to the new function. I edited the answer. Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 12:45

When you want a loop function, the closest option is usually one of the Aggregate functions.

Use the array_agg function, which "Returns an array of aggregated values from a field or expression." To get an array of Z values, use:

 array_agg( z( $geometry))

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