I have saved waypoints from my Garmin as gpx and have successfully imported them into QGIS.

Is there a way to now export the layers into a csv file with coordinates?

I've tried the export to csv but that does not give me the coordinates.

2 Answers 2


Two methods are described in other answers here:

  1. Save as CSV and in OGR Creation Options/Layers type "GEOMETRY=AS_XY": Getting list of coordinates for points in layer using QGIS?
  2. Create two calculated fields having the coordinates, then save as CSV: How do I calculate the latitude and longitude of points using QGIS?

Many years after the previously accepted answer, things have become slightly simpler. Right-click on the layer you want to export, select "Export" then "Save Features As...". In the "Format" dropdown box at the top of the dialog, choose "Comma Separated Value [CSV]" and select a directory and filename. Lower down in this dialog box, there is an expandable section called "Layer Options". In that section, in the dropdown box labeled "GEOMETRY", select "AS_XY" (or one of the other options if it fits your use case better).

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