I compiled this request to a WMS:
As you can see, the result is stretched along the y-axis. What am i doing wrong?
I compiled this request to a WMS:
As you can see, the result is stretched along the y-axis. What am i doing wrong?
The first comment already hints at the solution, but since it's not explicitly mentioned, I'll add an answer:
The BBOX parameter should not have parentheses around the coordinates.
(As an aside: The extent in the question's URL does not seem to contain data)
So I found a very good practice for editing wfs/wms etc. requests. This is the source.
http://www.geoportal.tazv-luckau.de/arcgis/services/TAZV_Luckau/TWL_Luckau/MapServer/WmsServer? REQUEST=GetMap& SERVICE=WMS& VERSION=1.3.0& WIDTH=1233& HEIGHT=649& LAYERS=Trinkwasserleitung& TRANSPARENT=TRUE& FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg& BBOX=784323.7233856706,5738936.794638,846507.1357143294,5771667.560738& CRS=EPSG:25832& STYLES=