I'm looking for a reliable, robust and reasonably priced GPS datalogger, to measure time, distance on tracks. The logger should be reasonably priced but ready for outdoor activities. Mud, dirt, a little water shouldn't harm the device. Another point is, it has to be plugged into a PC/Mac and handled as a normal USB drive to download the GPX files. GPX File is a must have as well.

To summarize the needs:

  • GPX
  • USB drive / no proprietary software
  • reliable

If anyone is a GPS crack, I'm happily to get an answer!

Thanks Martin


3 Answers 3


After spending a LOT of time looking around and reading reviews, I recently purchased a Garmin eTrex 20 for hiking purposes:


Price was definitely a factor, along with functionality, durability and ease of use. I particularly like the way Basecamp (Garmin software) allows you to download hiking trails from OSM straight onto the GPS.

Good luck!


I would check out the i-gotU GT-600. It's a logger--no screen, etc. Pretty simple device. Has a motion sensor so it shuts off when not moving to save battery life. It doesn't plug directly in via USB, but has a cable. I'm not 100% sure how the PC/Mac will recognize it though; it may need special software to access the .gpx.


I took mapperz advice and ordered a iBlue 747pro.

  • Hi just wondering if this device lasted and worked as expected, do you still use it?
    – mike james
    Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 11:50
  • I've been using this recently its been pretty good, play.google.com/store/apps/…
    – mike james
    Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 11:51

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