I used QuickOSM / QGIS to grab some place data but the polygon / coordinates are not matching the original on OSM (nominatim). This is "Olive Garden" in Schaumburg IL. On OSM is is the below left image. After downloading / exporting using QuickOSM / QGIS it is the right image. I've not changed any setting. CRS is default 4326 W84.
On OSM the polygon is starting as: [-88.0332509,42.0502153]...
The exported QuickOSM / QGIS one is starting as: [-88.0332143, 42.050252]...
How to export this to match the original coordinate at OSM?
[ -88.0332143, 42.050252 ]
which is the same as in OSM openstreetmap.org/node/1483640394#map=19/42.05015/-88.03304[ -88.0332143, 42.050252 ]
which is the same as openstreetmap.org/node/1483640394#map=19/42.05015/-88.03304 in QGIS, the OSM background matchs perfectly with QuickOSM result. Have you tried in QGIS and checking coordinates from QGIS?