I am trying to split a vector file using an attribute value and wants to name the each created output as the name in the attribute field. I am being able to split the vector layer but it is giving names by default to each of the file, i wants it to be specifically with the name in the attribute table. Suppose i have a field in attribute table title as NAMES and values in it as:






so i want it each to be split out and saved as NAMES_ABC, NAMES_DEF, NAMES_GHI, NAMES_JKL and so on

instead i am getting the names as NAMES_0, NAMES_1,NAMES_2, NAMES_3 and so on

  • Please specify which tool you're using, which settings in this tool, and which QGIS you're working with.
    – Erik
    Commented Aug 7, 2020 at 10:15
  • The tool is Split Vector Layer, It can be found in Processing Toolbox --> Vector general --> Split Vector Layer Commented Aug 7, 2020 at 10:31
  • You can do this with some pyqgis code. Can you add a screenshot showing the attribute table?
    – Bera
    Commented Aug 7, 2020 at 11:00
  • This is perfectly possible using QGIS 3.10, while 3.14 throws an error/gives only numbers. We had the same issue a few days back:gis.stackexchange.com/questions/370390/…
    – Erik
    Commented Aug 7, 2020 at 11:06
  • 1
    Thanks to all as i tried QGIS 3.10 it worked out. Hoping that this bug will be removed soon by QGIS community Commented Aug 7, 2020 at 11:52

1 Answer 1


There was a pull request to implement that functionality which just got merged into QGIS-master, so with the next release it should be included.

If you do not want to wait for the next release, you have to install QGIS 1.8 an install the plugin "ShapefileSplitter". It does exactly what you want to achieve

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